“Ecce ego Joánnes vidi álterum Angelum ascendéntem ab ortu solis, habéntem signum Dei vivi: et clamávit voce magna quátuor Ángelis, quibus datum est nocére terræ et mari, dicens: Nolíte nocére terræ et mari, neque arbóribus, quoadúsque signémus servos Dei nostri in fróntibus eórum.” - Apo 7, 2-3
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Omnium Sanctorum: “ … humility is essential to all those who wish to be saved.”
Saturday, October 28, 2023
The contemporary relevance of Saint Jude: best definition yet of the robber Synod
2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and charity be fulfilled.
3 Dearly beloved, taking all care to write unto you concerning your common salvation, I was under a necessity to write unto you: to beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints.
4 For certain men are secretly entered in, (who were written of long ago unto this judgment,) ungodly men, turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness, and denying the only sovereign Ruler, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Beginning of the letter of the blessed Apostle Jude Jude 1:1-4 )
Friday, October 27, 2023
Women’s Ordination Prohibited by Apostolic Tradition, say Church Leaders
CV NEWS FEED // Two prominent members of the panel at Wednesday afternoon’s synod press conference said that Apostolic Tradition prohibits the possibility of women’s ordination.
In response to reporters’ questions, both Cardinal Robert Francis Prevost, Prefect for the Dicastery for Bishops, and Archbishop for Military Services Timothy Broglio, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), rejected the prospect of female ordination.
When a reporter asked whether the Church will ordain women in the future, Prevost said the Church is not going “to change 2000 years of tradition.”
“In society, women can be president, and have many leadership roles in the world,” Prevost said. However, he noted, Apostolic Tradition necessarily dictates that “our categories in the life of the Church are different, and need to be different.”
Prevost mentioned two recent commissions instituted by Pope Francis that explored the issue of women’s ordination in 2016 and 2020. The pope found the results of the first commission “inconclusive” and went on to institute the second. Prevost pointed out that neither commission has published its findings.
Addressing the so-called lack of female representation in governing roles within the Church, Broglio said “Ordaining women doesn’t necessarily solve the problem. It might even make a new problem.”
“We shouldn’t pretend that women haven’t had an influence in the Church,” Broglio added. “The assumption that because all roles at all levels aren’t occupied by women, they have no influence, is false.”
Citing the importance of women in the Church, Broglio said of the Catholic school system in the U.S.: “If you talk to most diocesan priests, they will trace their first inkling of vocation to the sisters in the schools.”
Broglio also answered a question regarding the inclusion of more conservative Latin Mass Catholics in the synodal process, saying “the Church is big enough for everyone.”
“Certainly their fervor, devotion to family life, intent to pass on the teachings of the Church to their children, can enrich all of us,” said Broglio. “I hope there can be a way to bring that richness into this whole synodal experience.”
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Perhaps Zyliss Phagano will finally shut up
Not her actual name (she tracks down every mention to carefully sanitize her public image), Zyliss becomes increasingly annoying in her monomaniacal obsession with a historically non-existent clericalizing fantasy of dressing women up in stoles and putting them in sanctuaries during holy Mass.
While gladly and repeatedly appearing before Women’s “Ordination” (sic) Conference gatherings which specifically demand priesthood for women, she carefully insists, for the benefit of naive and unsuspecting bishops, that she believes there is no connection between diaconate and priesthood, which helps her evade any potential prohibitions on their part.
She thus plays to both sides of the fence for her personal benefit.
She rabidly tracks down and silences anyone who dares to expose her real agenda, which she covers up by the unbelievable claim there is no connection between the diaconate and priesthood.
I’ll leave you to figure out for yourself just exactly what that is.
Pope Francis on women deacons: ‘Holy orders is reserved for men’

Rome Newsroom, Oct 25, 2023 / 12:35 pm
Pope Francis reaffirmed the impossibility of women becoming priests, or even modern Church deacons, in an interview for a book released Tuesday in Italy.
The question of whether some women in the early Church were “deaconesses” or another kind of collaborator with the bishops is “not irrelevant, because holy orders is reserved for men,” the pope said.
The pope’s answers to questions about women’s roles in the Church were included in a book published in June in Spanish as “El Pastor: Desafíos, razones y reflexiones sobre su pontificado.”
The book, whose title means in English “The Shepherd: Struggles, Reasons, and Thoughts on His Papacy,” was released in Italian on Oct. 24. The Italian edition is titled “Non Sei Solo: Sfide, Risposte, Speranze," or "You Are Not Alone: Challenges, Answers, Hopes."
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
If Francis keeps this up the Roman Catechism will be the only acceptable one left
The evil plan afoot in Rome to be enacted by perpetual Synods is, for the most part, to change the practice of the Faith without changing the teaching. This has happened successively over the period following Vatican II with Communion in the hand and altar girls for just two examples.
The pattern: someone disobeys, then Rome issues an indult, making an exception to the rule removing the onus of disobedience. This is how over time we’ve gone from Catholic identity to anti-Catholic identity. People want Communion while doing and believing whatever they choose, no matter how inconsistent with truth. The “Biden Catholic” phenomenon.
But there have been cases also where Bergoglian shock troops will actually make changes to documents. One example being Francis’ change to the catechism in regard to capital punishment, in effect denying Catholic teaching by appealing to emotions.
According to reporting by Gloria TV, Cardinal Schonborn, who went wonky as soon as JPII and Benedict were no longer on the scene, has threatened that Pope Francis will make another change to the catechism by removing the teaching that sexual attraction to the same sex is “disordered”. Schonborn at one time had a reputation as orthodox, being one of the principal collaborators on the 1983 Catechism of the Catholic Church issued under JPII.
Schönborn: Homosexuals Have Right to Be Accepted

Schönborn invented a gap between the objective given order and the subjective culpability of a sinner.
The Church must respect and accompany every sinner with his or her limitations and history, he indulged in truisms: "One has a right to respect, one has a right to a basic acceptance as a person." This is true, but "respect" and "acceptance" do not mean that the truth about homosexual sins can be manipulated.
Schönborn is known for his entanglementin homosexual circles.
If this happens, the Roman Catechisn will indeed be the only acceptable one left for teaching the Catholic Faith.
Matters only get worse. For Francis there is no moral bottom.
When will prelates with even a shred of self respect remaining begin to distance themselves from this moral blot that imperils the globe?
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Archangel Raphael: “the way out of evil lies through three blessings bestowed on us through Raphael's healing”
Raphael means God's healing, and we should observe that the way out of evil lies through three blessing bestowed on us through Raphael's healing. For Raphael the Healer leads us forth from weakness of soul and brings us into the bitterness of contrition; whence in the book of Tobit Raphael says: When thou enterest into thy house, anoint his eyes with gall. He did so, and he saw. Why could not Raphael do this himself? Because an Angel does not bestow compunction, but he shows the way to it. By gall, the bitterness of contrition is to be understood, for it heals the inner eyes of the mind. The Psalmist says: He healeth those that are broken in heart. This is the best eye salve. In the second chapter of the Book of Judges it is written that an angel came up to the place of the weepers, and said to the people: I made you to go up out of Egypt; I have done all of these good things for you: and all the people wept, so that the place was called the Place of the Weepers. Dearly beloved, all day long the Angels are telling us of God's blessings, and recalling them to our minds: Who hath created thee? Who hath redeemed thee? What hast thou done? Whom hast thou offended? When thou considerest this, thine only remedy is to weep.
Secondly, Raphael brings us forth from our slavery to the devil, by recalling Christ's Passion to our mind. There is a figure of the Passion in the sixth chapter of Tobit, where it is said that if a piece of the heart is put on the embers, its smoke will drive out all kinds of devils. It is said in the eighth chapter of Tobit that Tobias put a piece of the heart on the embers, and Raphael bound the devil in the utmost parts of Egypt. What does this mean? Was Raphael unable to bind the devil unless the heart was put on the embers? Surely a fish's heart could not give such strength to an Angel? By no means! It would be impossible unless there was a mystery in this. We are to understand that nothing so frees us from the devil's slavery as the Passion of Christ, which issued from the root of his heart, or of his love. For the heart is the fountain, or hot centre, of all life. Therefore if thou puttest the heart of Christ, that is the Passion, that he underwent, issuing from the root of charity and the fountain of heat, on the embers, that is, on the flame of memory: then immediately the devil will be bound, and he will be unable to hurt thee.
Thirdly Raphael delivers us from God's displeasure, which we incur by transgressing against God; he does this by leading us to instant prayer: and this is what Raphael said to Tobit in the twelfth chapter: When thou didst pray with tears, I did bring your prayers before the Lord. For the Angels reconcile us to God, as far as they are able. The devils are accusers before God, but the angels excuse us, when they offer our prayers, and when they urge us to pray devoutly. In the eighth chapter of the Revelation of St. John it is said: The smoke of the incense ascended up before God out of the Angels hand. This sweet smelling incense is the prayer of the saints. Does thou wish to appease God, whom thou hast offended ? Then pray devoutly. They offer thy prayer, so that they may reconcile thee to God. It is said in the Gospel of St. Luke, that Christ being in an agony, prayed more earnestly, and there appeared an Angel of the Lord strengthening him. And all of this was done for our sake: for he had no need of strengthening, but it was to show that the Angels willingly assist those who pray devoutly, and help and strengthen them, and bring their prayers before God.
(From the Sermons of St. Bonaventure, the Bishop
De Sanctis Angelis Sermo 5, sub fine)
Monday, October 23, 2023
My latest column: “Remain In Truth While Synod Babbles”
This week I offer some key points from Raymond Cardinal Burke’s October 3 speech at “The Synodal Babel” international conference in Rome, courtesy of journalist Edward Pentin. Make use of these as a constant reference in the face of any Synod propaganda issuing this Fall from Rome which denies Revelation and the Deposit of Faith.
“The whole synod process is presented as a work of the Holy Spirit who will guide all the members of the synod, but there is not a single word about the obedience due to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit that are always consistent with the truth of the perennial doctrine and the goodness of the perennial discipline that He has inspired throughout the centuries.”
“The moment these concepts [such as mercy or ‘synodality’] become central and are not clearly defined, the door is open to anyone who wants to interpret them in a way that breaks with the Church’s constant teaching on these issues. Indeed, Church history teaches us that the resolution of the worst crises, such as the Arian crisis, always begins with great precision in the vocabulary and concepts used.”
“Our Lord Jesus Christ who alone is our Savior is not at the root and center of synodality. The divine nature of the Church in its foundation and in its organic and enduring life is neglected and, in truth, forgotten.”
“…The way the current synod is organized has nothing to do with Eastern synods…There is confusion around the term synodality, which people artificially try to link to an Eastern practice, but which in reality has all the characteristics of a recent invention, especially with regard to the laity.”
“The Church has never taught that the Roman Pontiff has a special gift to constitute his own doctrine. The Holy Father is the first teacher of the Deposit of Faith which is in itself always alive and dynamic.”
Read the rest: https://thewandererpress.com/catholic/news/frontpage/a-leaven-in-the-world-remain-in-truth-while-synod-babbles/
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Pope John XXIII on use of the Latin language in the Church
In a little-known document issued in 1962 Pope John XXIII called for “promotion of the study of Latin” for the sake o the continued wide use of Latin in the Church, particularly for the Roman liturgy. The pope of Vatican II who is widely referenced as wanting “change” has often been misrepresented and this is just one example.
In Veterum Sapientia the pope urged the continued study and use of the Church’s sacred language of Latin, especially in seminaries and by priests. The use of Latin in the liturgy was specifically directed by Vatican II.
From Veterum Sapientia:
“Of its very nature Latin is most suitable for promoting every form of culture among peoples. It gives rise to no jealousies,” he taught.
“The Catholic Church has a dignity far surpassing that of every merely human society… It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular.”
“The Apostolic See has always been at pains to preserve Latin, deeming it worthy of being used in the exercise of her teaching authority.”
The figure of John XXIII needs to be rehabilitated along with the traditional Latin liturgy which requires the use of Latin for the Church’s unifying and universal prayer of the holy Mass.
He invoked his power as pope to require the study of Latin in the seminaries:
“We further commission the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities to prepare a syllabus for the teaching of Latin which all shall faithfully observe.”
Sadly, this was disobeyed.
Read the entire text of Veterum Sapientia here: https://www.papalencyclicals.net/john23/j23veterum.htm
Friday, October 20, 2023
Pope Francis Calls For A Day of Prayer, Penance and Fasting For World Peace on October 27th
Warning against a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and ongoing conflicts elsewhere, Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting, penance and prayer for peace in the world on Friday, October 27,2023. The Holy Father is urging all people of faith to take “just one side in this conflict: that of peace. But not with words, with prayer, with total dedication;” and invites men and women of every Christian denomination and other religions as well, and all people committed to the cause of peace, to participate in any way they feel is appropriate. To this end, there will be an hour of prayer starting at 6 p.m. Rome time in St. Peter’s “imploring for peace in the world.”
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Proven once again: the “first casualty” in war is the truth
Meanwhile, Victor Davis Hanson provides some clarity:
Thank you for visiting.
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