From the Sermons of Pope St. Gregory the Great.
25th on the Gospels.
Mary Magdalen, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, through love of the truth, washed away in her tears the defilement of her sins, and the words of the Truth are fulfilled which He spake Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much. She who had remained chilly in sin, became fiery through love. When even His disciples went away again unto their own home, Mary still stood without at the sepulchre of Christ, weeping. She sought Him Whom her soul loved, but she found Him not. She searched for Him with tears; she yearned with strong desire for Him Who, she believed, had been taken away. And thus it befell her, that being the only one who had remained to seek Him, she was the only one that saw Him. It is the truth that the backbone of a good work is perseverance.
Children Go Where I Send Thee – A Homily for the 5th Sunday of the Year
This Sunday’s Gospel describes the call of Simon Peter, one that takes
place in several stages. While it is presented in a compact time frame, for
most o...
4 weeks ago