Monday, January 6, 2025

Di Caprio-Ing Before Di Caprio, Or: Jimmy Carter Meets His Maker

Not exactly Jimmy Carter’s take on LGBT

Jimmy Carter has died, and we hope that he saved his soul. I invite my readers to say a prayer for him. 

After which, it will be good to say a couple of things on this elusive concept, of being “good”. 

Jimmy Carter was, no doubt, considered good by the world. After his disastrous Presidency, he started humanitarian work, basically Di Caprio-ing before Di Caprio was a thing. He was, in fact, and if memory serves, one of the first “celebrities” on the do-gooder circuit. The world noticed, and pretended to forgive the political nincompoop because of the good Southern heart.  

The problem is, being good is a complex thing, and goes deeper than just being one of those who jet around for the poor. In the view of the world, Jimmy Carter was a benefactor – funny how the ambassadors take the merit, after others have paid the money – but in the view of a Christian, the measure of good is not the activism for “good causes”, but the fidelity to Christ. If you love me, keep my Commandments. 

This fidelity to Christ is exactly what, in the oh so good Jimmy Carter, was severely lacking. His continued support for sexual perversion, and his stubborn refusal to put whatever clout he had in the service of the unborn, made very clear that his do-gooding was, as it happens very often, the desire to love himself, and to be praised by others, at the expense of this embarrassing old book, the Gospel. 

Jimmy Carter loved himself so much, that he gave away Christ under the presence of a Francis-like activism that is purely human, and meant to draw approval from the world and from the worldly people who make him look good. I have no doubt that he loved the praise that the wrong crowd was tributing to him. If he had used his name and popularity to vocally, stubbornly, and whatever the popularity cost, defend the unborn and Christianity, there would have been no jetting around for him, and the rich donors would have considered him just another bigoted old man. As it is, he was campaigning for baby-killing, trans-affirming Kamala with his very last breath.

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Why the FBI Chokes on the T-Word

(Nota bene: “Essentially the FBI has declared itself the Islamic Pope. They get to decide which interpretations of the Quran and Hadith are legitimate and, if they can’t prove a connection between an act of Islamic terror and a “legitimate” Muslim sect then it’s not an act of terror. Since Islam is a religion of peace only moderate Islamic sects are valid according to Pope FBI. Hilarious no? Largely seeds of insanity planted during the Obama administration, of course.” (Guest commentary.)


Whether the bureau designates an Islamist attack “terrorism” depends on a dubious judgment that it was inspired by “false” Islamic teaching.

Turns out that Shamsud-Din Jabbar kept Islamic scripture on, of all places, his internal profile page at Deloitte, where he was working as a “solutions specialist” — which sounds eerie now in light of the “solution” he had in mind when he rammed a rented Ford pickup truck into a crowd of revelers on Bourbon Street in the first hours of the new year, killing 15 and injuring dozens more.

The passage was drawn from the Quran, chapter 76, which is called Al-Insan, or “The Man.” As explained in The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meanings and Commentary, a version of Islam’s highest scriptural source produced by the Saudi regime, the “theme” of the chapter (or sura) is “the contrast between the two classes of men, those who choose good and those who choose evil.” On his profile page, which said Jabbar’s top interests were hunting and prayer, he reportedly proclaimed verses 5 through 7, which explain that “the Righteous” — i.e., Muslims who comply with Allah’s law — will be rewarded in the hereafter for “performing their vows” and “fear[ing] a Day Whose evil flies far and wide,” meaning Judgment Day, on which horrible, everlasting punishment will be the fate of the class of men who have chosen evil — the nonbelievers who have spurned Allah’s law.

In New Orleans in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Jabbar believed he was delivering Judgment Day to the nonbelievers and would be rewarded for it.

This is not really difficult to understand. What is difficult, for us who have to rely on the United States government for our security, is that it has become forbidden to understand.

I observed in the hours after the attack that the FBI had conformed to its “habitual woke incoherence.” A top official in the New Orleans field office leading the investigation, assistant-special-agent-in-charge (ASAC) Alethea Duncan, could not get to a microphone fast enough to state emphatically, “This was not a terrorist event.” Mind you, Jabbar had just flown from the rear hitch of his rented pickup truck the black jihadist flag made notorious by terrorist organizations designated under laws the FBI enforces. He had just employed a classic, oft-repeated jihadist tactic of driving a vehicle into a crowd gathered for a public celebration offensive to fundamentalist Islam — in this instance, an observance of the New Year (i.e., the hallmark of time measured from the birth of Christ, not the Hijra) in which men and women mingled freely, danced to bouncy tunes, consumed alcohol, and made merry.

In sum, Jabbar had just “cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers,” as the Quran instructs in Sura 3:151 — an injunction fundamentalist Muslims take literally and regard as immutable, one that enables terrorism by dehumanizing nonbelievers in sharia-supremacist eyes because, as verse 151 continues, “their abode will be the Fire: and evil is the home of the wrong-doers.”

The rest:

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Chicago: Where Eucharistic Revival Goes to Die

 Layer upon layer of Eucharistic practice was constructed over the millennia as protection against the slightest attenuation of Catholic doctrine regarding the Eucharist. For over sixty years, it has been breached.

  • Perricone

    For all its good intentions, the grand project of Eucharistic Revival is barely limping to its finish line. Applause is in order, for at least it noticed a precipitous loss of faith in the central mystery of Catholicism. But its cure was carefully wrapped in the naïve gauze that created the fatal lapse in the first place. Look at its official website: a swirl of puerile slogans, kindergarten art, and a breathtaking lack of seriousness.   

    But such grave breaches of Catholic Faith deserve the thunderbolts the likes of Blessed Pius IX’s Quanta Cura and The Syllabus of Errors, not petite entreaties couched in the porous language that delivered us to these desperate straits. 

    But that seems to be a bridge too far. The shepherds seem to be strapped into a straitjacket created by the naivete (or malice) of Important Theologians of the past half century. One of their more ambitious projects was retooling the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. This was then accompanied by a massive dismantling of the whole architectonic devotional ensemble which promoted piety and protected its doctrinal purity.

    More serious was the whole mood created by this theological nomenklatura. By their unchallenged fiat, error was declared to be an antediluvian cul de sac. With priggish insouciance, error was now clothed in the gentler philosophical category of difference, which was to stand proudly along truth without prejudice. (Oh, you say, whiffs of Derrida and Foucault. And you would be correct.) Standards were to be considered atavistic, and only reverent “listening” was to stand in its place.   

    Those who govern the Church found themselves paralyzed. Who were they to stifle the “blowing of the spirit”? Strangely, they had no qualms in dragging out the old inquisitorial machinery to discipline those standing in the way of the “spirit blowing.”   

    But if a carte blanche now reigned, couldn’t it apply to those opposed to the ideology of the “spirit blowing where it will”? Clearly not. “Listening” would only be deigned to those whom the ruling class found worthy of being listening to. 

    Which brings us to Chicago—and its prince. With Solomonic certitude, he recently mandated new and inflexible rules regarding the reception of Holy Communion.  

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Saturday, January 4, 2025

New York Times Highlights Christian and Jewish ‘Blessings’ for Abortion Clinics


A woman in a Catholic cardinal costume attends the Abortion Carnival at St. Patrick's Cath
Jenn Moreno/VIEWpress via Getty

The New York Times has published a glowing article in praise of Christian and Jewish ministers who conduct “blessings” of abortion clinics in America.

A Baptist minister, a Presbyterian pastor, and a Jewish cantor walked quietly through an abortion clinic where they “blessed the exam tables and their stirrups, the boxes of disposable gowns and the cushioned chairs in the recovery room,” the Times notes approvingly in Friday’s article.

“Through a ritual blessing of the year-old clinic,” the piece states, the faith leaders “wanted to show that religion could be a source of support for abortion rights.”

“You all are blessings to those who come to you for care during some of their most vulnerable and sometimes painful moments,” said the Rev. Katey Zeh, an ordained Baptist minister, to staff members gathered in the clinic’s waiting room.

The story failed to mention whether the three also blessed the scissors inserted into the base of the baby’s skull, the saline solution that scalds the child’s flesh, the suction machine used to aspirate the chopped-up body parts, or the forceps used to grab at the baby’s limbs to rip them out, one by one.

During the blessing of the new clinic, 27-year-old Ramsie Monk “wept as one of her colleagues described her grief over the end of legal abortion in West Virginia,” the article states.

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Syria: Israel Destroys the Cross on Mount Hermon

By Gianni Toffali

As soon as they invaded Syria and Mount Hermon, Israeli soldiers dismantled the large crucifix that had stood on top of the mountain for decades.

ISIS and Al-Qaeda would have done the same. Obviously the cross is intolerable to them, an unacceptable 'scandal', as St Paul wrote.

The Vatican is in interreligious dialogue with other religions. It is a pity that the intentions (= pious illusions) of the Pontifical Council for Religious Dialogue do not go beyond the walls of the Vatican.

Or, more pragmatically, they remain a dead letter because the recipients use them as a bonfire.

There is no comment or condemnation from the Vatican.

Now, to prove that the gesture of the occupiers under the Star of David is due to an "excess of short-sightedness", it would be nice if the regime in Tel Aviv would apologise to the Church.

When the stubborn 'optimists' in the Vatican realise that illusion is what fills the gaps left by reality, there will be little or nothing left of Christianity.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Holy Mass: “There Was No Room for Them in the Inn“


Christian Marquant wrote a Christmas message on (27 December) about the situation of the Holy Mass in Paris.

This week, with the exception of Christmas Day, we will continue to hold vigils, pray and protest to the bishops, all the more so because we are experiencing once again what Luke 2:7 says: "Mary gave birth to her first-born son, wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

There was no room for them in the inn.
Paris is a sad example of how the Catholic liturgy is treated, as was the Son of God when he came to earth. In Saint-Georges-de-la-Villette and Notre-Dame-du-Travail, where simple people used to come to pray 'as always', there is no place for it.

There was no room for them in the inn.
In Sainte-Odile, there is no longer room for the weekday Mass. There is only very limited space at Sainte-Jeanne de Chantal, where Holy Mass fills the church every day and several times on Sundays.

There was no room for them in the inn.
As in the days when Mass was celebrated in barns and garages, it is now held in the Centre Saint-Paul, in a former business premises, when the nearby Basilica of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, Place des Petits Pères, could so easily open its doors to it.

There was no room for them in the inn.
In Notre-Dame, rebuilt from its ruins, in the Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre, in Saint-Sulpice, in the great churches of Paris, there is no small place left, even once a month, for the masses who have lived in these buildings and kept them alive for so long.

There was no place for them in the inn.
Always and everywhere, distrust of the Roman liturgy, refusal, the most restrictive concessions. It's as if the men of the Church were ashamed of their venerable liturgical tradition, or rather afraid of it, afraid that if it were to grow and spread it would expose the failure of their destructive reform.

So this Christmas week, like our Master, we'll be on the outside. We'll be praying the rosary in the streets of Paris, in front of the Archbishop's office, 10 rue du Cloître-Notre-Dame, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 1 pm to 1.30 pm.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

As Christianity Dies In The West, The West Dies, Too

 By Vince Coyner

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

Since that quote was first published in 2017 by G. Michael Hopf in Those Who Remain, it has become one of the most oft-quoted phrases in the conservative universe. (I’ve quoted it a number of times.) That’s because it perfectly captures the current state of Western civilization.

I’ve experienced a good bit of that Western civilization. I’ve had the good fortune to have lived over a quarter of my life outside of the United States. I’ve lived in Cuba—albeit on a rather well-known American base rather than in the Communist part—Italy, Germany, and France. I do not say good fortune because I think living in America is bad. On the contrary, living outside of the United States has given me a perspective on America that I’m most certain I wouldn’t have had I not lived outside her borders for as long as I did.

I spent most of my time outside of America in Europe. The thing that most attracted and attracts me to Europe is the history, or, more accurately, the physical manifestations of history. From the Colosseum and the Vatican in Rome to the Louvre and Mont-Saint-Michel in France to the Heidelberg Castle and the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, I simply can’t get enough. Europe is covered with countless such monuments, most of which long predate the United States.

Many of what I call monuments to history aren’t actual monuments at all. Most are structures built for a function, and most of them were created to either celebrate Christ or were created by men impelled by Christianity. Of course, Christianity is, like everything crafted by man, imperfect. Still, overall, the civilizations grounded in Christianity have created more freedom, technological advances, and prosperity than any civilization in human history.

Image by Grok.

As it relates to America, as much as leftists want to argue that America was not founded as a Christian country, they’re simply wrong. Christianity infused virtually every element of life in what became the United States and the Europe from which its founders came. While one can make the argument that men like Franklin or Madison may have been “deists,” the reality is that they were very much part of the penumbra of Christianity that infused the colonies.

240 years on from America’s founding is where Hopf’s good times / hard times construct comes in. As Western civilization gets farther away from Christianity, the worse it becomes.

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