Thursday, March 6, 2025

Catholics must refuse to accept a public heretic as pope: here’s why

The papacy is not a plaything that can be passed between 'liberal' and 'conservative' factions every time there is an election. Only men who fulfill the criteria that Our Lord established can ever occupy it. The pope must be Catholic. The pope is always Catholic.

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Cardinal Makrickas greeting the College of Cardinals, Dec 7, 2024©Michael Haynes

"... those professors of Christianity, who turn all eyes on themselves by an eccentric show of groveling and dirtiness, not suffered by necessity, but by their own choice, of them we must judge by their other works"

"...But those professors of Christianity, who turn all eyes on themselves by an eccentric show of groveling and dirtiness, not suffered by necessity, but by their own choice, of them we must judge by their other works whether their conduct really proceedeth from the desire of mortification by giving up unnecessary comfort, or is only the mean of some ambition; the Lord biddeth us beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, but by their fruits, saith He, ye shall know them."

Continuation of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew

Matt 6:16-21
In that time Jesus said to his disciples: And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, sad. For they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. And so on.

Homily by St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo.
Bk. ii on the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, ch. xii, tom. 4

It is evident that by these precepts we are bidden to seek for inner gladness, lest, by running after that reward which is without, we should become conformed to the fashion of this world, and should so lose the promise of that blessing which is all the truer and more stable that it is inward, that blessing wherein God hath chosen us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. In this chapter we will principally consider the fact that vain-glory findeth a ground for its exercise in struggling poverty as much as in worldly distinction and display; and this development is the most dangerous, because it entices under pretence of being the serving of God. 

He that is characterised by unbridled indulgence in luxury or in dress, or any other display, is by these very things easily shown to be a follower of worldly vanities, and deceiveth no one by putting on an hypocritical mask of godliness. But those professors of Christianity, who turn all eyes on themselves by an eccentric show of grovelling and dirtiness, not suffered by necessity, but by their own choice, of them we must judge by their other works whether their conduct really proceedeth from the desire of mortification by giving up unnecessary comfort, or is only the mean of some ambition - the Lord biddeth us beware of wolves in sheep's clothing, but by their fruits, saith He, ye shall know them.

The test is when, by diverse trials, such persons lose those things which under the cover of seeming unworldliness they have either gained or sought to gain. Then must it needs appear whether they be wolves in sheep's clothing, or indeed sheep in their own. But that hypocrites do the contrary maketh it no duty of a Christian to shine before the eyes of men with a display of needless luxury the sheep need not to lay aside their own clothing because wolves sometimes falsely assume it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

President hosts White House Mass and issues Lent Message on Ash Wednesday

Trump White House to host Ash Wednesday Mass

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People get the sign of the cross placed on their forehead by a priest at St. Patricks Cathedral on Ash Wednesday on February 14, 2024, in New York CityPhoto by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — The White House will reportedly host an Ash Wednesday Mass this morning.

“The White House is observing the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Mass this morning in the Indian Treaty Room, per an email to staff viewed by [The Daily Wire],” Mary Margaret Olohan, a White House correspondent, wrote on X.


Islamists massacre 70 Congo Christians and leave headless corpses in church

The Catholic Herald

February 22, 2025 at 11:11 am

A local source in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has confirmed that jihadists left the dead bodies of 70 Africans in a church – many of whom had been beheaded.

Speaking to catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need,the source, who asked to remain anonymous because of fear of reprisals, corroborated reports that at least 70 trussed up corpses were discovered in North Kivu Province last week.

The source said: “On 15th February, 70 bodies were discovered inside a Protestant church.

“Many of them had been bound and some beheaded. Among the victims were women, children and the elderly.”

According to the source, last weekend terrorists from Islamist group Allied Democratic Forces seized around 100 people in Maiba village in North Kivu’s Lubero region.

 The source said: “It is likely that these victims were unable to resist or endure the forced march, because when the rebels take hostages, they make them travel with them, either as reinforcements for their group or as forced labour for the war effort.

“When there is loot, they need people to carry it. If you get tired on the way, you’re done. I believe that is what happened to these 70 people.”

The dead bodies were discovered in the Evangelical church in Kasanga just “just a few kilometres away from Maiba”.


Radical Inclusion of God


Radical Inclusion Of God


Inclusion becomes a concern upon discovering that something or someone is being unjustly or unreasonably excluded — that is, under normal circumstances.

We do not find ourselves in normal circumstances; this is an era of one scam or grift after another.

For some reason, there are those with influence who have inverted their speech about reality and are selling the idea that people are being excluded if they are asked not to sin.

Rejecting sin is not excluding people. We are not our sins. Rejecting or excluding sin is necessary to include people in the life of the Gospel, of grace and the Kingdom of Heaven.

Perhaps we could synod about radically including God in our lives. It is God who is most excluded in our world today.


The Wanderer Catholic Newspaper, March 6, 2025


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Gemelli sources: “Francis is unconscious and kept alive only by machines.”

N.B. What are we to make of this? In light of the failure of the Vatican to provide any "proof of life" photos. If Francis was, as we have been informed, conscious, eating, reading, praying, attending Mass, resting, receiving Communion in the hospital during the previous nineteen days, was there no possibility of a photo of any kind? An appearance at a hospital window? Is anybody asking these questions? If not, why not?

Is there no understanding of a responsibility to prevent vain and harmful rumors, if such indeed this is, by means of simple, common sense gestures such as a photo, if such is possible? If such is not considered possible, why? In such a case with such far-reaching implications and consequences, should not such an omission be explained?

Thank you for visiting.


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